Travel Details - how we did each section as a day walk from Glasgow

Day 1: Milngavie to Drymen

First day (my trial walk) I walked out from Milngavie and got a lift from a family member back to Glasgow. That's the easy way to do it !
The second time I walked back from Drymen back to Milngavie.
On that occasion it was a train Milngavie to Balloch via Hyndland. Then the Bus from Balloch to Drymen and then I was able to walk back to Milngavie from there. After picking up a takeaway coffee and a loo stop at the Drymen Inn again.

I treated both those Milngavie - Drymen walks as training exercises as I had no idea how I would cope with a 12 mile walk - or how our collie dog would either !
If starting from the centre of Glasgow you could also take these trains to Balloch etc...

Bus Timetable for Balloch to Drymen and Balmaha is the No.309 here:

Day 2: Drymen to Balmaha

We drove to Drymen and parked then walked out to Balmaha and got the bus back from there. A lovely hot day again and great views
Bus Timetable for Drymen to Balmaha is the No.309 here:

Day 3: Balmaha to Rowardennan

This section was harder to plan for a day trip and if you can't rely on a lift from friends or family then you might need to get a taxi back to Balmaha ! So for this section I drove to Balmaha early and parked. On a hot day the car park at Balmaha fills very early. We got there for 10am-ish ! We walked to Rowardennan. The walk I think took us four hours. The Rowardennan Hotel at the end is just a wonderful finish point- get a drink or a meal there and sit out and admire the views of Loch Lomond and Ben Lomond !
You could possibly also take the Cruise Loch Lomond boat back to Tarbet at 4.30 (check time) and then could get a train or bus back to Glasgow from there... or maybe use the Waterbus service ....

Day 4: Rowardennan to Invesnaid. 

We actually did this section in reverse as it tied in with boat crossing times from Tarbet. We took the boat from Tarbet to Inversnaid at 10am and returned from Rowardennan at 16.45. Was an easier walk than day 3 as not quite so many hills, just a few ups and downs and quite a number of waterfalls and streams to cross via large stones etc that are placed so you can cross fairly easily. Note ...The car park at Tarbet is not large .. we got the second last space when parking at 9.30. Not sure how much other parking is available in the village.  It is possible to use the boats to do the walk in the northwards direction but this involves a much earlier start to the day !

Day 5: Inversnaid to Ardleish

We took the Cruise Loch Lomond Ferry from Tarbet to Inversnaid then walked the four miles north to Ardleish and summoned the little Ardlui ferry from there. It came promptly and we crossed then had planned to take the Citylink bus back to Tarbet when would you believe this became the first time that Tika our dog was refused transport !!
We had booked the bus too - but on the door "No Dogs - No Alcohol and No Fun" (or maybe it was Food ....) Complaint in the post !!

Day 6Ardleish to Crianlarich 

Drove and parked at Crianlarich - there is parking at bus stop and train station. It was a Sunday though so fairly quiet. We missed the bus (how can a bus that has come all the way from Skye be precisely on time ...) but we weren't on time ! Instead we took the train south to Ardlui. We then got the little boat across from Ardlui Marina to Ardleish and walked north via Beinglas Campsite and Falls of Falloch and onwards north to Crianlarich.

Day 7: Crianlarich to Bridge of Orchy

I walked this in reverse. Drove to Crianlarich (you could take train or bus from Glasgow to here). Then too the train from Crianlarich to Bridge of Orchy and walked back to Crianlarich. There is parking at the station or opposite the hotel. There is also a small shop near the station which sells camping supplies and has coffee!

Day 8: Bridge of Orchy to Glencoe

Again we did this section in reverse! We parked at Bridge of Orchy (although this is also on bus or train route from Glasgow). We then took the Citylink coach (bus) to Glencoe. I had pre-booked it online as its a popular service but not too expensive. We got out at Glencoe Ski Centre and re-stocked coffee/visit loos etc. then walked back to Bridge of Orchy.

Day 9: Glencoe to Kinlochleven

Another stage that I walked in reverse! This time we parked at Glencoe and then had booked a taxi to pick us up at Glencoe and drive us to Kinlochleven. This was fairly costly but we knew in advance the cost. To avoid that cost you can take two buses- one between the Glencoe ski centre to Glencoe village then one from Glencoe village to Kinlochleven. But the time between changes was quite short on the day I was looking so we went for the taxi option for simplicity. We then walked back from Kinlochleven to Glencoe. Had a good stock up at the supermarket at Kinlochleven and bought coffee/visited the outdoor shop/loos at the Ice Climbing Centre before setting off.

Day 10: Kinlochleven to Fort William

We did this last stage as a two car thing. So we met up at Fort William - we both had our cars. We left one car for the day at the West Car Park on the seafront. This cost £2.
We then drove the other car to Kinlochleven and left it next to the public toilets and Ice Climbing Centre where there was a good amount of parking.

We walked to Fort William and then went in our car from there back to Kinlochleven to collect the other car. If you didn't have cars the other option to do this stage would be to get the bus between Fort William and Kinlochleven. There is no train between these two towns. Although there are buses and trains between Fort William and Glasgow. There is also a Sleeper train service between London and Fort William.

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